Anyway, I got it working, instantly the tape drive was added to device manager, once the Adaptec driver installed successfully. Robert, My applogies for not seeing this until now. Instead of typing in the hardware ID, I copied and pasted it into the. It saved the day. I have not tried this on windows 10, but I understand from other user comments that there are issues getting it to work. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Perhaps that could be of help as well.
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Some of the other forums I found on this same issue though adapttec of them do not mention the U2 card are as follows:. Jay Geater is the President and CEO of Solvusoft Corporation, a global software company focused on providing innovative utility software. Windows 7 does not like the default bit driver for my U2 card aic78u2.


My hardware ID has four entries, which are as follows:. How is the Gold Competency Level Attained? Vista did, but they took it out of 7 and Also resurrected my old Microtek Scanmaker 35T Plus slide scanner.

This is a great fix, thank you very much. Good Luck and thanks to the person who found this fix. Glad you got yours working! Sunday, March 27, 6: So really thx and i can say a lot of people need this driver!!! Glad to be of assistance! Ok, this should be fixed now, try it and let me know if you have any issues.

SCSI Adapter - Adaptec - Adaptec AHA-2940U2W - Ultra2 SCSI Computer Driver Updates

What is the printer make and model? This is a great fix, adaptec ahauw xp you very much.

This website is using cookies. This makes it a choice controller for most users. Very, very much appreciated — worked perfectly and saved me time hassle and, perhaps, money. I did learn something about driver editing though so it was not a complete waste of time trying to get the other one to work.

I would like to thank everyone here for their input All of these suggestions will keep 7 running aha uw xp hardware. Anyway, hats off to you — thanks for making the internet a better place.

Thank you so much for sharing. Anyway, I got it working, instantly the tape drive was added to device manager, once the Adaptec driver installed successfully.

This I am not sure of as I have not run into it.


I should also have said that after I uninstalled it, I added the device as legacy hardware through Device Manager. Did you edit the file and change it to reflect your own model number u I outlined in the article? Oh My God, you rule!!! This happened even when I tried aha-2940i2w install the driver px the Add Legacy Hardware adaptec ahauw xp.

After that, you can post your question and our members will help you out. Sunday, Adaptec ahauw xp 24, 5: Thanks for any and all help, I am trying to get an LTO2 tape drive to work so I can back up all of my data, to many drives failing these days, gig tape seems a reasonable solution if I could get it to work.

Perhaps that could be of help as well. Ok, this should be fixed now, try ahau2w xp and let me know if you have any issues. It is now showing in dev mgr but I am getting error code aha--2940u2w can not start in windows 7 64 bit.

You sir have made a positive difference in the world today.


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